From the Alps to the desert towards a different action film/documentary and browsing in lesser known corners of the Mediterranean. The Australian Adam Riemann initiator of the motology site for off road motorcycles, activities and excursions decided to leave his imprint in a way that suites him even more. The also reporter Adam expresses himself by writting in off road motorcycles magazines has the option of driving, recording the image and photographic film. The combination of all of these ended up in a life adventure as he describes. A journey from Austria to Egypt on a KTM 500EXC! The less suitable motorcycle that one can choose for travelling.

But its really not if you have in mind the way that Riemann thought. No film crew, no support vehicle, the resulting images exceed the requirements of even the most strict judge. The adventure lasted a month, maintaining the original target filming of an alternative adventure travel. And there were a few mishaps as stated in the report. Interbreeding trucks, cars and animals were consistently the most dangerous part but the traffic between armed soldiers with his finger on the trigger, was the most frightening. It was a risk that but fully compensated with more than 1000GB in video footage from over 7 countries. Saved in my waist bag that never left my sight.

A Canon 5D, 7D and five GoPro cameras constantly pulled and a helicopter with videokamera X650. It is understood that we were carrying everything on our motorcycles, without having any kind of help. It is best not to ask what was going on when we needed to get through all these stuff from police control, military, airports etc. The idea came to Austria via Australia. Greg Chambers and Jeff Leisk of KTM Australia, trusted the idea from the first moment and convinced the factory in Austria to supply us with two bikes for the trip.

The factory was cautious for our final destination and wanted us to use some of the greatest adventure models. But I was running races with KTM for several years so i knew that a 500EXC 2014 would be ideal for the routes we planned to take. Seven countries, 7,000 km in 32 days was a package that our bikes passed easily. It was also easy for both drivers as you can see in the picture below. And to get a taste of the film Motonomad you will have to wait until the editing is complete. Finally the movie will have a 2 hour duration.

By Nicole P.