Vintage bag
Vintage bag

The world’s oldest purse

Those who want to say that they are dealing with fashion and know a lot about it, definitely include in their vocabulary the word Vintage. Vintage clothing, vintage accessories, vintage look and many more are some of the expressions that should be familiar. But how vintage can something be? Take for example a purse. It could be from the early years of your mother, your grandmother and if you’re lucky, find one in an old suitcase in the loft of your great grandmother. A bag that is exposed for the first time in England is believed to be hold 700 years! It comes from the city of Mosul in northern Iraq and can be admired in the Courtauld Gallery in London until next May.

Vintage bag
Vintage bag
Vintage bag
Vintage bag
Vintage bag
Vintage bag

There is evidence to suggest that established about 1300, says a report in the British newspaper Daily Mail. Considered to be one of the most important pieces of Islamic metalwork in the world. Again, as the author notes, thought it was a haversack a horseman, or even some kind of wallet, but eventually the experts concluded that it was a purse. Maybe it’s the oldest survivor bag in the world, and is one of the most remarkable examples of metalwork from northern Iraq. It is constructed and has pieces of gold and silver and decorated with intricate scenes of life higher social strata, said the curator of the gallery Rachel Ward.

By Nicole P.