Moving house can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life, which is why it’s crucial that you’re adequately prepared. Here are some top tips designed to prepare you for the big move.
Get Rid of Clutter
You’ll want to reduce the cost of moving as much as possible, which is where a garage sale becomes particularly handy. Gather all the items you won’t be bringing to your new home such as unwanted furniture, clothing items and knickknacks and use it for the contents of your sale. When dealing with the items you’ll be bringing with you, establish what you’ll need immediately when moving in, and what can wait. While the storage units provided at Fort Knox can hold a significant portion of your belongings in between moves, you might consider hiring a furniture removalist for everything else. Not only can they provide assistance in the transportation department, but they’ll be able to assist you with unpacking and retrieving storage. Of course, if you’re on a budget, a DIY move certainly isn’t out of the question.

Check-off the Essentials
When you’re in the middle of a stressful move, you tend to forget about minute details. However, sometimes it is these smaller, particular demands that need the most attention. For example, questions you should be asking yourself before the big move are: How much stuff do you want moved? What size truck will removalists need to consider? Does your insurance policy cover your move? And you mustn’t forget that it’s also imperative to disconnect the utilities from your old home, and get the facilities such as gas and electricity running in your new home. Again, it’s a bit of a chore, but you won’t regret getting it over and done with before all the chaos begins to surface.
Leave House in Top Shape
As the soon-to-be former owner of your current house, it is your responsibility to obliterate any traces of you ever having lived there. New owners shouldn’t have to suspend their disbelief, but if you neglect your duty as a proof-eraser that is exactly what they’ll be forced to do. Give the walls and ceilings a fresh coat of paint, remove any unattractive wallpaper, and if your carpets have play dough stains, eliminate them as well. By moving day, the house should be absent of anything personal, or simply anything that makes it look worn. This way, the new owners can make it their own without any trouble.
Essentially, you want to make your move as easy as possible from start to finish. Ironically this means a bit of extra work, but it also means less work during the final stages of moving—the hours in which you will want to be relaxing with a good book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. This is a lot easier to do when you have the comfort of running electricity, hot water and zero complaints of a play dough stained carpet. Much easier.