Tabletop with gourmet desserts, herbs, and fruits.

A Foodie’s Guide to Perth

Tabletop with gourmet desserts, herbs, and fruits.Credit: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

A Foodie’s Guide to Perth

Most folks probably head to famous museums when they want to learn about a new city. Others might head to city hall and ask for a brief summary of the city’s history. Others still might just sign up for a guided tour.

All of those are great options – not just in our opinion, but in our experience. However, we also think that food tasting is a fantastic way to learn about a city, especially a place like Perth, Australia.

You see, the “Land Down Under” is considered to be one of the food capitals of the world. Some of the most successful and influential chefs of our time hail from Australia. Curtis Stone, Kylie Kwong, Maggie Beer, and Matt Moran aren’t just Australian residents, they’ve also opened restaurants in Australia. 

Today, we’re excited to share our foodie’s guide to Perth with you. Store your things with a luggage storage service, then bring your appetite to the following venues.

Bistro Guillaume Perth

Perth as a city is really fond of French culture. Several streets and monuments are based on famous Frenchmen, and the Alliance Francais film festival is held in Perth each year. That’s why we’re not surprised that a place like Bistro Guillaume is so popular. 

Bistro Guillaume aims to bring a Parisian experience to Perth. This establishment’s aesthetic and menu are inspired by the “most popular neighborhood bistros in Paris”. Wondering what to order? You can’t go wrong with sirloin steak and Paris mashed potatoes.

C Restaurant in the Sky

C Restaurant in the Sky bills itself as “Western Australia’s only revolving restaurant”. C Restaurant in the Sky is located on the 33rd floor of Saint Martin’s Tower. Even if you’re not crazy about heights, you’ll enjoy the views and amazing food offered here

And the food is nothing short of amazing, honestly. From Grilled Baramundi to Chargrilled Kerrigan valley Angus beef fillet, the sky really is the limit. C’s seafood gets a lot of praise from visitors, as does their famous High Tea. 

Friends Restaurant

Sometimes, bringing two opposites together can make for an amazing experience. On one hand, we have traditional fine dining restaurants; these establishments have very refined menus and elegant interiors. On the other hand, we have casual eateries; these joints are incredibly laid back and offer a slew of accessible meals. 

Friends Restaurant offers both of these experiences at one amazing restaurant. You can order refined meals like quail or Rottnest scallops and enjoy a very friendly dining environment. Simply put, Friends Restaurant offers the best of both worlds.

The Meat & Wine Co

The name sort of gives it away, doesn’t it? The Meat & Wine Co is largely considered to be one of the best steakhouses in Perth. Steak, steak, and oh, so many more steaks are on offer here. But that’s not all; the Meat & Wine has garnered rave reviews for their poke bowls, calamari, and chicken skewers. 

And, this establishment even serves creme brulee. We’d be remiss not to mention the wine on tap here – after all, that’s half of this restaurant’s name. We’ll say this much – you won’t be disappointed by the Meat & Wine’s massive wine list.

My Bayon

Just like French culture, Asian culture is also a big part of Australia. Several cities house genuine Japanese gardens and Korean BBQ joints. My Bayon brings authentic Cambodian cuisine to the Land Down Under

Their menu is full of inspired fusion dishes; items like garlic fried rice and beef skewers are all the rage at My Bayon. This restaurant has won awards for its delicious food. If you’ve never had Cambodian cuisine before, My Bayon is a great place to start.


We’re really big on versatility when it comes to dining. Don’t get us wrong, we love restaurants that specialize in one thing. But it’s also great to have options. Petition offers guests a wealth of options; you can come in for a cup of coffee, stop by for a quick lunch break, or dine in for dinner. 

Classic Australian dishes like BBQ cheeseburgers and fried artichokes are on offer at this friendly establishment. Petition is dedicated to offering a casual and convenient experience.

Picture of table with wine and glasses.

Credit: Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash

Sayers Sister

Character goes a long way for us – not just when it comes to people or pets, but also with restaurants. We’d rather eat at a low-key joint with enormous charm than a massive restaurant with no soul. Sayers Sisters has charm to spare and their food is phenomenal

This humble cafe takes pride in its “awesome coffee”, but dishes like poached eggs and pulled lamb also deserve praise. You could order your food to go, but we recommend visiting in person before you leave Perth. Sayers Sister is the kind of place that leaves a great impression on you.

Sen5es Restaurant

Eating is one of the only activities that activates all five senses at once. Naturally, we can see and taste exactly what we’re eating. However, the way our food smells also determines the way it tastes. We feel it with every gulp and hear it with every bite. 

Sen5es Restaurant aims to offer the ultimate sensory dining experience. What you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste here are all designed to wow and amaze you. Some of the best steak and wine in Perth is served here.

Sentinel Bar & Grill

New York City is often thought of as a city of dreams, where anyone can make it with luck and determination. Much of NYC’s charm comes from its authenticity; the city and its citizens are always upfront and honest with you. Some of you are probably wondering why we just gushed about New York City for three sentences. 

Well, that’s because the Sentinel Bar & Grill brings NYC flavors and style all the way to Perth. This restaurant’s menu is a blend of New York-style cuisine and modern European staples. Steak, salmon, gnocchi, and angel hair pasta are on offer here. Look out for the Sentinel when it’s time for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
