Microsoft introduced a new version of the graphics API DirectX, confirming its compatibility with Xbox One and devices running Windows Phone. The announcement of DirectX 12 was part of the Game Developers Conference 2014 in San Francisco, while presented the first samples as a tech demo of Forza Motorsport 5 in a PC card NVIDIA GeForce Titan Black. The next version of Direct3D will be redesigned to be faster and more efficient than ever, and will fully exploit modern architektiniki the GPU, without burdening the CPU.

The Direct3D 12 does not apply, however, only the high end gaming PC’s and other platforms and devices Microsoft, from phones and tablets to laptops and desktops and of course the Xbox One. Further details were not given for how to achieve compatibility, but company officials insisted enough on it. Soon developers will be able to work with the new API, but the final version of DirectX 12 will be available to the public along with the games of the holiday season of 2015. NVIDIA announced that it has indeed already supplied with drivers and specific kits more than 15 developers.
By Nicole P.